Collaborate & perform better?

Would you like to achieve movement, growth or change in your role as coach or HR manager? We offer effective instruments and teach how to apply them, enabling you to have an even greater impact.
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About our instruments

My Motivation Insights is a widely used tool to provide individuals and teams with insight into their deeper drives and motivations. The colour profile and the TeamScan provide reliable insights that helps improve the performance of people and organisations.

The online questionnaire, which you can complete in 20 minutes, measures the drives & motivations and translates them into an understandable colour profile. In total we measure seven different drivers. Including the colour turquoise, the colour of today, which stands for global awareness and relevance.
Discover the colours

"We support you to empower your clients"

Specialist in development

Our mission is to realize movement and growth at an individual, team and organisational level through insight into drivers. With a result that people get the best out of themselves and enjoy working together on the success of an organisation.

We believe that spending time on your own personal development is the best investment. And we strive for a world where we understand each other better and where we use each other’s strengths to grow.

We get a lot of energy from the great cooperation we have with our facilitators and get a smile when the newly developed products achieve the desired effect.

Score now and in one year

Mission & Inspiration
Vision and strategy
Joint result
Healthy conflicts
Score in one year
Score now

Increase team effectiveness

By adding up the colour profiles of all team members, the team profile is created. This provides insight into where the team naturally has the focus and energy. But that does not mean that the drives are used effectively. We use the TeamScan to measure effectiveness. The outcome of the Team scan shows which aspects a team can improve on.
Request your free TeamScan here

Would you like to experience the tool for your organisation?

Our rate is 50% lower than other providers
Measuring turquoise - the colour of today
Validated questionnaire 
Personal approach and support
Maak kennis met het kleurenprofiel (#2)

Our background

My Motivation Insights was developed by Unilever. They worked with a colour instrument, but the high price, the lack of a personal report and a non-validated questionnaire were reasons to create their own colour profile approach. In 2005 we became independent and since then we have been working with various organisations and independently working coaches and trainers.

Did you know that we offer free online transition training for professionals working with a Graves-based colour instrument?
Become a partner?

What colour suits you?

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